Softube Software

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Oscar Öberg, Arvid Rosén & Niklas Odelholm

For many years, the Softube staff comprised only four people, all of whom had an active role in product development. From left: Niklas Odelholm, Torsten Gatu, Arvid Rosén and founder Oscar Öberg.Photo: Igor Miná

Ever wondered how plug-in companies recreate classic outboard gear in your DAW? We take a peek into Softube's modelling lab to find out.

For every real Pultec equaliser or Fairchild compressor sitting in a studio rack, millions of virtual examples occupy DAW insert points. Almost every classic piece of studio hardware ever made has inspired plug-in versions, ready to be patched in at the click of a mouse; and the same goes for guitar amps, effect pedals and even microphones. Among the market leaders when it comes to authentic recreations of hardware devices are Softube.

The company have always been based in the Swedish city of Linköping, where, in the early years of this century, an engineering student needed to come up with a final-year degree project. Unimpressed with the digital guitar amps that were then available, Oscar Öberg and a friend decided to develop their own amp-modelling system. 'I'm very stubborn!' laughs the man who is now Softube's President. 'So when we started initially trying to model stuff, we had the explicit goal of doing it better than everyone had done it before. We really, really kept trying until we got it. And I think that stubbornness kind of got embedded into the company culture.'

The very first device that Softube set out to model was this Marshall JCM800 valve amp head.After lengthy negotiations, the resulting technology was licensed to Marshall in 2007, and Softube soon found their skills in demand by other companies too. The first native plug-in to be released as a Softube product was 2007's Vintage Amp Room; since then, they have built up a catalogue of more than 50 plug-ins, and in 2014, they launched their first product with a hardware component, the innovative Console 1 controller.

To celebrate the 15th anniversary of Softube's foundation, I visited Linköping to get a sneak preview of some upcoming products, and to find out more about the techniques that are employed in creating software models of hardware devices.

Soft Schemes

The first step in the modelling process, naturally, is to get hold of the hardware device being modelled, and the Softube offices are strewn with guitar amps, rack units and synth modules that have been acquired for the purpose. Ideally, you might think, the goal would be to measure multiple examples of each unit, but as Arvid Rosén, Softube's VP R&D, explains, this isn't necessarily helpful. 'Individual variation between units can be quite significant, but it's easier to just have one and try to match that. Otherwise, you are never done tweaking if you have two. It's usually just one, but we try to make sure it's a good one.'

The next step is to ascertain how the hardware unit actually works. 'It's crucial to have schematics, and they need to be correct,' insists Arvid. 'This is not trivial, even for modern products. Even if we work together with a company and the people actually designing them, there are usually variations on schematics, and there are different versions. There's a lot of room for errors, so you always need to develop scepticism about what is correct and what is not, because that will save you time later.

'It's usually worth a lot to spend time just looking at it and trying to understand. What is this? How does it work? What's the main building blocks in the design? Have we seen them before? Sometimes, it's super useful to talk to the people designing it, because you can ask 'What is going on here? Why did you do this? I don't get it,' and they'll say, 'Oh, it's just to avoid AM radio emission here. It shouldn't matter.'

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The Softube offices display ample evidence of their ongoing collaboration with Marshall.Understanding how the hardware works and why it sounds the way it does isn't purely a paper exercise. Measurement is vital, and the schematic can help determine what Softube's engineers should measure. Arvid: 'We have special equipment to measure the stuff we need to measure. Guitar amps have very high voltages inside, for example, so they're not super easy to work with. We have a lot of different tests and signals that are created to expose different aspects of our circuit, which is a very important part of the whole modelling process, to understand: What is the desired effect here? What part of the circuit creates it, and what signal can I use to expose that behaviour?

'That's an important job: to understand what are we looking for, what signals will expose exactly that phenomenon and nothing else, and where in the circuit should I inject the signal? Where can I measure without disrupting the working of the circuit? This is not always trivial, because the measurement probes you hook up to the thing might add some capacitance that was not there before, so if it's a passive EQ, that can change the response, and so on.

'What you usually want to achieve is to isolate some sort of phenomenon. A sine wave is good because it only contains one frequency, so if you send in a sine, and you see other frequencies in the output, you know that distortion happened. That's a good way of detecting non-linear behaviours — but a sine sweep is terrible for looking for linear effects like EQ, because you'll only be exposing on one amplitude or one frequency. So then you have to use something else, like noise, for example. That contains all frequencies at the same time, but noise is very difficult if you have distortion, because it's not easy to tell whether the noise that you measured at the output is distorted or not, because it will still look like noise, more or less. Then, you have some signals that can be difficult for other reasons. For example, if you measure on something like tape where the speed varies a little bit, it can be difficult to track, and you have a delay.'

Start The Engines

Once Softube's engineers are certain that they have a correct schematic and that they understand how it works, they try to divide that schematic up into functional blocks and create a mathematical model of the behaviour of each block. 'Modelling in general is a very well-known mathematical process,' says Niklas Odelholm, Softube's VP Products. 'I mean, Newton modelled how an apple falls from a tree. At CERN, they model how hadrons collide in a particle accelerator. The math is well-known, but the equations get infinitely harder the more accurate you want it to be.

'From the schematic, we have an engine that — with some input from us — can create a mathematical model of the thing. This model is a continuous-time representation, which means you cannot run it in computer code, because that has discrete time [in other words, audio is represented digitally as a sequence of discrete samples, rather than as a continuous waveform]. So we have to go through another step that makes it into discrete time.'

Continuity Errors

Sometimes it's necessary to modify equipment in order to take the necessary test measurements, as these additional jack sockets on the JCM800 testify.As Niklas explains, however, adapting a mathematical model based on continuous time to a discrete-time environment is not without its pitfalls. 'One difficult thing that can happen is that if you have something that is happening very high up in frequency, it might not be possible to represent it in discrete time. Then you have to choose where you want to put the errors. If you do a shitload of oversampling, you're just putting errors in a different place than if you didn't do anything at all. If you spend a lot of time with the high-frequency stuff, then in discrete time you get problems with low-frequency stuff. So, there's really no 'correct' way of doing it. We just try to make it sound as good as possible, as similar to the original as possible.

'We built an engine that converts the model from continuous time into discrete time, and when we have the discrete-time model, we can create computer code out of it. What we've done means the discrete-time model can be represented by different building blocks or containers. For each of the building blocks or containers, we've written a counterpart in C. So, when we get this mathematical model in discrete time, we can create a representation in C code.

'It's really cool because that means we can start with a mathematical model, and if you want it to run on an iPhone or a TDM chip or a 386 processor, it's the same mathematical model: we can just exchange the part of the C code that's different between those platforms. What it means in practice is that we can take this mathematical model, press a button and then get a lot of code that is tailored for a specific target. It could be UA, SHARC platform, TDM, whatever. All of those are highly optimised by hand, for each target.

'That is the main core in the model building, and we probably spend 10 years perfecting that. Then, whenever we encounter something that we didn't encounter before, we need to create a new way of representing it in discrete time, you know, building onto this big model.'

Over the past 15 years, Softube have built up a huge library of these 'building blocks', any of which can be plumbed into their code generator to produce code for any destination platform. Thus, models that were originally created a decade ago for, say, the now-defunct Creamware Scope can still be used to generate useful code today.

The Moment Of Truth

Only once Softube have turned a schematic into a model, and the model into functioning C code, are they in a position to discover whether their recreation actually sounds like the original. In a few cases, models that Softube created directly from the schematic have turned out to be sonically indistinguishable from the real thing. Perhaps surprisingly, this is more often the case with complex modern designs. These are built to high standards, components are used well within their expected tolerances and the different parts of the circuit don't mutually interact in unpredictable ways.

By contrast, passive equalisers are very challenging to model, as Arvid explains. 'If you look at, say, the Tube‑Tech PE 1C, you have five or six knobs just going to one big network. There are very many combinations of particular settings if you have six knobs, so you have to understand the circuit, and you have to use some math that will actually calculate the correct filter for every setting.'

And it's not only the static properties of any given setting that need to be recreated accurately. Just as important is that the plug-in responds correctly when controls are moved in real time. Arvid: 'For some EQs, and especially when you approach synth stuff, it's also important that you get not only the right filter response but also the right behaviour when you change the filters while running. With something like the [Mutronics] Mutator filter we did some years ago, you can turn the resonance up so you have a really resonant filter, and you sweep it up and down. The math behind all this makes it so that you can achieve exactly the same filter response in many different ways, but if you just take random ways that have the right response and then try to quickly change between them, then the current state of the filter will not transfer from one setting to another in a correct way.'

The Softube test lab, where hardware is dissected and measured.The open-endedness of the patchable synth environment recreated in Softube's Modular proved a particular challenge to model accurately, because it had to be possible to create feedback loops and other signal flows that are not usual in digital environments. 'You just do things that you wouldn't do with other systems,' says Oscar. 'Take wave-folders: that process is very uncommon in other types of system because it's so aggressive. Take a sawtooth, you rectify it, and you clip it, and you put it through a filter that's distorting and then you put that through the wave-folder, and the amount that can happen in a process like that is enormous. So every piece of the chain, every input, every output, everything has to be really, really thought through.'

Mix with the sound of the included Solid State Logic SL 4000 E. If you are experiencing an issue with a Softube plug-in, you can reach out to their Customer Support team here: Softube Contact Page. We BandLab/Sonar, and Cockos Reaper are among these, with more being added regularly. Softube FAQ and google research didn't help. Frosting on the cake would be the support for other functions (pan, volume, etc). Complete Catalina qualification will be released in a future Softube software update. Does it work similarly with the rack mixers? Softube Fader Control With improved epic workflow advantages, the Console 1 Fader is the result of ambitious dreams and the success of Console 1. Or customize your channels to fit your needs—there are over 60 Console 1 ready plug-ins available from Softube and Universal Audio. They describe it as a much more affordable version of their award-winning hardware/software mixing system, representing an enormous leap forward from its predecessor with support for selected UAD Powered Plug-ins from Universal Audio. Nov 21, 2017 · Softube has clearly been pretty busy of late; as well as announcing updates for its Console 1 hardware and Modular software, it’s also taken the wraps off a new plugin. Buy. Please note: Softube plug-ins support 64-bit hosts only, and a 64-bit OS is required. MASTERING 6000 MKII XLR INCL. Softube Console 1 is a revolutionaly product which make music mixing much more efficient and easy for audio mixing engineers. Search. DB-8 MKII DUAL STREAM HD SDI, 16 CH. If you can’t find your answer on our site, please send us a message below. Built for both plug-in and DAW control with inuative and tactile control of the most important functions. I actually got an answer från Waves support, and apparently only Waves plugins up to V8 work with Studio One 2, so the only thing I can do (since the plugin I want to use is V11) is to upgrade my DAW. 3. Therefore, for example, Pro Tools 10. com. Jan 14, 2020 · Software plugin maker Softube has announced that it has dropped the requirement for a USB iLok key for all its products. Softube Heartbeat Explained ® is rated 4. Customer Review 1. Softube products are protected by patents SE526523 and SE525332, and related patents/patent ap-plications, including WO06054943, US11/667360, US20040258250, EP1492081, EP1815459, and JP2004183976. Welcome to the world’s largest music gear website. So you can generate CV signals which can then be output from your audio interface to be used with a hardware Eurorack system. com Our Swedish colleagues at Softube have just released a software update for their controller to integrate deeper with the 9. 8. I finally have a way to patch and experiment on the go with my laptop. Auf dem Erfolg von Console 1 aufzubauen, würde nicht werden. But Tape goes far beyond your average tape machine emulation. HD DIGITAL WITH HARDWARE BYPASS. Looking for help and support with Live or Push? Find answers to common questions, get help and ideas from other Live users, or contact Ableton support. The most expensive plug-in or bundle out of those will be the one that gives you the most favorable upgrade price and should be selected automatically when clicking the upgrade button on the Volume 4 page. August 23, 2019 by Chad Schoonmaker. News. From softube support: 'The Volume 4 upgrade prices are based on which of the plug-ins included in Volume 4 that you already have a license for. Here is a link to the Softube Tape plug-in in the Pre Softube/Gobbler account; Gobbler application to manage license activation and plug-in downloads; Broadband internet access for downloading the installer and registering licenses. I contacted Softube by email to receive a email back that their link was working fine. I'd love to see support for more then 3 plugins at a time in Jan 02, 2018 · Softube, a Swedish-based company, moved the Console 1 manufacturing to China, which is how it managed to lower the price so much. Includes a fix for OS X users seeing the 'No Hardware Connected' message and experiencing disconnects on account of there being 2 drivers installed (after the 3. After months of excited collaboration and heroic work on both sides, we’re delighted to be able to announce officially that Console 1 and Fader are now fully compatible with Ableton Live. through 30. Anyways, thank you for your help! The Softube Console 1 MK2 is a hardware Control surface designed to provide control of over 60 available plugins from Softube and Universal Audio The system provides a software channel strip that can be utilized with any track in your DAW, as well as a hardware controller for adjusting the parameters of that channel strip. Softube Console 1. Name. , Softube Saturation Knob, from Softube. 0. Softube’s Console 1 MKII is an integrated hardware/software mixing solution that brings the feel of a real console to your DAW. These white quick connect hose fittings are being phased out by Polaris and replaced with a much stronger version that is black in color. This guide will give you an overview of how to use the ROLI Seaboard RISE module with Modular. If you need support, please visit our support page. Get Saturation Knob by Softube and learn how to use the plugin with Ableton Live, Logic, GarageBand, and FL Studio for free. Softube® Amp Room Bundle. Softube provide legacy installers, but now you have to use gobbler. Featured Items Newest Items Bestselling Alphabetical: A to Z Alphabetical: Z to A Avg. ) the integration for Avid Protools software is very poor. Um die gewaltigen Workflow-Vorteile von Console 1 weiter zu verbessern, mussten sie sich fragen: 'Wo können wir als nächstes hin?' Die Antwort war klar, und das Ergebnis ist da. Question: SONAR and Softube Console 1 I know this is a question to Softube - but it must also work with SONAR: Is it possible to use the Console 1 with VST-Plugins like iZotope RX6, Voxengo or Waves in SONAR? So that I can map a knob for the Waves L2, and three other knobs for the Waves Q10? Or does the Console 1 only work with UAD and Softube? Softube Console 1 integration Just felt the need to leave a big thank you here for Cakewalk and Softube to allow the Console 1 to control the DAW and vice versa. Softub parts are genuine factory direct parts. The three modes, 'Keep High', 'Neutral' and nor a recommendation. Softube New Modules and Windows 10 Fixes. FILM 6000 MKII XLR INCL. Softube Console 1 Support: And not just any support, but through a Softube/Cakewalk collaboration, Console 1 is now more than just a very cool channel strip—it’s graduated into bi-directional communication with SONAR, track/bus selection, and much more. Link to New Style > Supply is very limited on the old style and the new style may be sent. Softube develops both hardware and software for the audio industry. All Softube plug-ins support both 32- and 64-bit hosts, although a 64-bit OS is required. PreSonus ® is delighted to announce that Studio One ® Producer 2. OFFICIAL CAMPAIGN RULES NO PURCHASE NECESSARY TO ENTER OR WIN THIS CAMPAIGN. Softube assumes no responsibility with regard to the performance or use of these products. If you’re ready to get into virtual modular synthesis, Softube has just the application you need, and Scottie Dugan has the video tutorials to get you going… Watch “Softube Modular Know-How: The Basics” today! Nov 11, 2018 · Not sure anyone has tried, this but it sure would be cool to have a hardware controller for the rack mixers. Feb 27, 2017 · Softube Console 1 Supports UAD Plug-ins. Fill out the form and we'll get back to you as soon as possible. So what exactly can it do for you? In this in-depth video from Consordini Musical Instruments, you'll get a full overview of the key features of Console 1. e for audio professionals and musicians. Following the launch of its Console 1 Mk II at the 2017 NAMM Show, Softube has announced its Console 1 software update with support for selected UAD Powered Plug-ins from Universal Audio is now online and free to owners of first-generation Console 1 systems. First contacted Presonus about the problem, only to be told it was not their problem, that they had no control over Softube's links. While Console 1 integrades quite good on most Digital Audio Workstations (Reaper, Logic, Studio One etc. File a claim online or by phone 24/7. If you encounter any problems please Contact Technical Support It is not included in the Softube installer, but can be downloaded from www. D/B/A SPLICE Firestarters: Softube Parallels Campaign. It is the sole responsibility of the purchaser to ensure that the correct products are ordered. x is no longer supported (contact If you haven't been able to find your answer, our support team will be happy to help. The original installation path used when VST had been introduced in 1996 is C:Program FilesSteinbergVSTPlugins. It is highly recommended to replace with the new style. Softube Console 1 Windows and macOs support; OpenGL graphic support; Free Roli Seaboard Rise module 'Softube Modular is a revolutionary virtual modular synthesizer. The Gobbler Team Bad experience with Softube Modular not working and not honoring their terms and conditions. Find a US Retailer Find a PreSonus dealer in your area—or buy online! Softube +Mixtool. Softube Console 1 works like a charm with FL Studio. Jan 19, 2018 · Softube recommends adding the plugin to every audio/instrument, bus, and VCA channel in the project to maximize efficiency. Softube tells us that Console 1 Mk II is now globally available from any authorized Softube dealer. Softube's Console 1 is a remarkable piece of hardware that gives you hands-on control over almost any DAW project as well as pre-mapped access to over 70 plug-ins by Softube and Universal Audio. Please try again or contact support@splice. Name Email iLok ID Product Subject Line Message. New plugins to the collection include the American Class A channel strip, the TEC Award-nominated Monoment Bass , and the long-awaited Marshall Plexi Super Lead 1959 guitar amp. 99 a month. You have physical control over all aspects The following article explains the process of installing and activating the Softube Tape plug-in that can be purchased from the PreSonus Shop. . Coming Soon—Rapture Pro and Rapture Session Enhancements: Although the Softube’s Tape plug-in adds cohesion and weight to your mixes. Open the Softube Central application and 'INSTALL' the plugins. CSI - You can donate here: 30 Jan 2017 The high-end console experience, shrunk down for the computer. Console 1 is a hybrid hardware/software system for controlling Softube's own modeled - and officially endorsed by Solid State Logic themselves - SSL 4000E channel strip plugin via a dedicated If I hadn't bought the last 3 or so compressors that everyone drooled over on this forum I might really be interested; or if this was $29. ' Developed by Softube, exclusively for UAD-2 hardware and UA Audio Interfaces, the Softube Vocoder plug-in takes its sonic cues from the best analog vocoders of the past, while adding new features to take the iconic effect into the future. Our development team is working diligently to ensure that all Softube software is compatible with Catalina. Modular use Ilok (at least ilok V2). This website uses session and persistent cookies in order to provide you with the full user experience on the website, to collect statistical information and to provide our visitors with relevant advertising. A number of high-end computer recording plug-ins are available under the Softube brand and the company has done development for reputable companies such as Marshall (Marshall JMD:1 Amplifier), Fender (Fender Runaway Pedal), Abbey Road Studios, Native Instruments, Ableton (Ableton Amp Feb 27, 2017 · As a Console 1 owner, it would be extremely helpful if Apple would implement support for 'synchronized track selection' in the DAW matrix shown here. We have teamed up with Softube to offer owners of Scarlett and Clarett interfaces exclusive Time and Tone Bundle plug-ins — all for free. Hardware control surfaces, too, have populated the scene from the time people first realized that recording musicians wanted and needed to interact with their creations more than one parameter at a time. Several non-Softube plug-ins already support it stp. Oct 16, 2019 · A modern mixing system The Console 1 mixing ecosystem is so much more than a simple DAW/plug-in controller. It’s an efficient, elegant, and amazing-sounding modern mixing solution, combining hardware and software to give you the best of both worlds: the versatility, affordability, and usability of in-the-box mixing, alongside the workflow, feel, and focus dedicated hardware can bring. Now, Softube's controller/software combo is more affordable, and supports 3 Mar 2020 Softube releases Chandler Limited Germanium Compressor plugin an enormous leap forward from its predecessor with support for selected Please Note: Softube is currently working on an upgrade path issue on their backend so there will be a delay in receiving the serial until they resolve the issue Softube purchases are strictly licensed for sale to customers in the USA onlyQuickly switch between your tracks and control EQ, compressor, gate and more. It is used together with your favorite digital audio workstation (DAW ), and just like a traditional mixing console, you can route any or all DAW tracks to Console 1 and mix them from within About Softube. E-mail registered successfully Softube Drawmer S73 Review More than the hardware it emulates! What is it really? Perhaps the king of deceptive naming? Its name suggests that the Drawmer S73 plugin was modeled after the Drawmer 1973 hardware multiband compressor. Now you can add an additional FET Compressor with unique character and controls to the ProChannel. Already an existing Volume 1 subscriber with Gobbler? Great! Quickly switch between your tracks and control EQ, compressor, gate and more. Softube Volume 1. After installing the Console 1 software from Softube, the Console 1 VST plug-in can be added to any track, bus, or send in order to communicate directly Softube assure us that this issue has been addressed in a recent software update. Console 1 works with StudioOne. Fill out the form and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible. Select Bundle All Access Bundle Eventide Ensemble Bundle Eventide Pro Reverb Bundle Gobbler Ultimate Studio Bundle Gobbler Ultimate Synth Bundle Le Sound Bundle Mathew Lane Spatial Processor Pack McDSP All Access Plan NUGEN Modern Mastering Bundle NUGEN Post Pack NUGEN Producer Pack Relab Reverb Suite Slate Everything Bundle Softube Volume 1 Includes 24/7 tech support - setup, connectivity issues, troubleshooting and much more. I'm trying my best to contact Avid and Softube for any leads or help to ask the appropriate person. x is no longer supported Get the guaranteed best prices on Softube Music Software at Musician's Friend. x is no longer supported (contact support for latest 32-bit compatible instalers). I emailed Harrison a week ago but got no response. But this does look droolworthy. You’ll find the products you own from all of our brands in one place, streamlined to get you what you need, as fast as possible, with a single sign-on for all. The following article explains the process of installing and activating the Softube Tape plug-in that can be purchased from the PreSonus Shop. Mar 03, 2018 · Adding three magnificent new plug-ins, and now featuring Softube’s pioneering Preset Collection, which makes working with Softube products easier and more enjoyable than ever before, Volume 2 is the best and most valuable Softube plug-in bundle to date; priced at only $19. PLCD17060812 - 3/8 Softube Valved In-Line Coupling Body. 4 and 192 kHz, in both Tell me why I need a Softube Console 1?? Gearslutz is part-supported by our visitors. It will also be fixed in an upcoming Mixbus (interim or 4. Softube describe themselves as 'Rock 'n' roll scientists making world class software for audio professionals and musicians. Follow the instructions below to install Softube Central and then install your Softube software. The lowest-priced brand-new, unused, unopened, undamaged item in its original packaging (where packaging is applicable). Softube Console 1 Review: The Conclusion. The easy to read Gain Reduction meter allows monitoring of dynamics across multiple tracks without opening and managing separate plugin windows. Softube Console 1 Fader Control Surface Features Softube Console 1 Fader DAW Controller (Demo Deal) Building on the success of their Console 1 which redefined DAW mixing, Softube presents the 10-fader Softube Console 1 Fader. MASTERING 6000 MKII COAX INCL. 5 Users Get Free Softube Saturation Knob Plug-in December 2, 2012. Please provide the following information in your message: Op Developed by Softube, exclusively for UAD-2 hardware and UA Audio Interfaces, the Softube Vocoder plug-in takes its sonic cues from the best analog vocoders of the past, while adding new features to take the iconic effect into the future. Modern WorkflowThe Console 1 hardware gives you hands-on control of EQ, compressor, gate, volume and pan on all your tracks. 1 Website for Pro Audio ; Softube Console 1 MKII by The following is addressed to Softube. Simply press the 'Download' button, illustrated in the screenshot above, to be taken to the Softube registration page where you can register your Product Key. Works perfectly, with the ability to adjust the mic to any position is great. Click “Download,” then click on the link that appears to download the extension. Softube/Gobbler account; Gobbler application to manage license activation and plug-in downloads; Broadband internet access for downloading installer and registering licenses. I heard some bad experiences with Modular crashing people’s computers and eating up all the CPU but I read their T&C which states a no questions asked 14 day cancellation policy. Download CAD drawings of specific couplings to use directly in your design software This is the booster pump installation kit with the OLD style white quick connects. Apr 21, 2020 · Could someone give me a hand and help me install the Softube Saturation Knob. Softube 4MS PEG. In combination with the motorized Fader from the Faderport htis is truly an amazing combination. 1, 48, 88. Dear Softube user,We recommend that you wait until Softube software compatibility with Catalina is announced before updating. But it’s real power comes from bringing the hardware workflow into the digital realm. The new RISE module is available for free to all Modular owners, and lets you control Modular using RISE’s five dimensions of touch: Strike, Press, Glide, Slide and Lift. Use it to fatten up bass lines, add some harmonics and shimmer to vocals, or simply destroy your drum loop. Here is an image of how it will appear. Support Get started Downloads Help centre Contact Support Register A Product Four of Softube's world-class Reverb, Delay, Mastering and Distortion plug-ins. Softube Modular is the best 'analog modular synth' emulation to this day. Softube launches Harmonics, a new plugin with 5 different distortion options that analyzes the audio to respect the transients and focus its action on the harmonic part. The way I understand it console 1 should work if you have any of the supported plugins from Softube 14 Jan 2020 Softube launched the original Console 1 mixing platform channel strip While Console 1 works in all major DAWs, only a handful support it's Softube are out to make DAW mixing more like using a large-format console. ” Such supportive sentiment is far from lost on Softube President Oscar Öberg: “The concept of Console 1 has been extremely popular, and we haven’t been able to keep up with the demand. Softube Console 1 support SONAR has integrated support for the Softube Console 1 hardware/software mixer, which models classic analog mixing consoles such as the Solid State Logic SL 4000 E. support reviews loopmasters. Maybe it's time for v4. In general, it's not easy for users to keep track of their VST2 plug-ins, which is why VST plug-ins installations often are all over the place even on Sep 14, 2018 · I use Push 2 and think it is amazing but would also love to use Console 1 by Softube but unfortunately the console 1 software and ableton live can not support track follow which means it is a bit clunky to navigate and the lose of seamless integration goes against its intended function to me. Softube are out to make DAW mixing more like using a large-format console. When you insert a plug-in in your DAW mixer, a small setup GUI window comes up to name the track if your software host does not support automatic track name/number transfer. 99/month. Can Console 1 liberate us from mouse and keyboard? Swedish plug-in developers Softube have made quite a name for themselves over the years with emulations of sought-after studio equipment and guitar amps. So far its been incredibly fun, and I am looking forward to all the new modules they will add!' Dec 02, 2012 · Studio One 2. This license type authorizes the computer itself, making the USB iLok key optional. Get it now for $9. Read more Quickly switch between your tracks and control EQ, compressor, gate and more. When buying and registering Reason 8, licenses for the Softube Amps are automatically issued to your user account. This months' Plug-in Collective is a storming double-header from UK mixing and mastering engineer Tom Frampton’s Mastering The Mix development house, get the full IGNITE distortion plug-in and a six-month unrestricted trial version of the BASSROOM mastering EQ for free. Or customize your channels to fit your needs‰ÛÓthere are over 60 Console 1 ready plug-ins available from Softube and Universal Audio. 4 and 192 kHz, in both mono and All customers, that register their Softube Console 1 MK2 during the period of 01. Plans are only valid for new or certified refurbished products purchased in the last 30 days with no pre-existing damage. All Softube plug-ins can now be used with iLok’s machine-based licenses. Anyone here use a Softube Console 1? I've been interested in this thing for a couple of years and my GAS has been flaring up in the last couple of days. BROADCAST 6000 MKII COAX INCL. Softube Time and Tone Bundle is a unique plug-in pack (valued at $297) which includes four of Softube’s world-class plug-ins: Drawmer S73 Intelligent Master Processor, TSAR-1R Reverb, Tube Delay and Saturation Knob. You have physical control over all aspects of the channel strip with the rugged, compact USB-powered hardware controller. The Console 1 display app boots up automatically at computer start up with the Softube icon appearing in the Mac's menu bar. Customer Support Track Order & View Details Manage About Softube Softube develops both hardware and software for the audio industry. There are a lot of great sounding EQ’s, compressors and console emulations out there. Directions say to download and click install but there is no install or at least I didn't see one in the windows package Hate to ask because I'm sure there is an easy answer, I just cant see it. The Console 1 mixing ecosystem is so much more than a simple DAW/plug-in controller. 9. 1 Support. Softube plugins are not tested in the non-listed systems, but they most likely work as long as the system requirements are met. 2. It's been a year since Softube's much heralded Console 1 was first demoed at the Frankfurt Musik Messe, and expectations have been high ever since. IMPORTANT MESSAGE. A number of high-end computer recording plug-ins are available under the Softube brand and the company has done development for reputable companies Softube Tape * Time to get reel! Softube’s Tape plug-in adds cohesion and weight to your mixes. Enjoy the latest 18 coupons and deals for softube. ' We think that is pretty accurate. Plug-in specialists Softube have announced Console 1 Mk II — an upgraded version of its award-winning hardware/software mixing system, representing an enormous leap forward from its predecessor with support for selected UAD Powered Plug-ins from Universal Audio and a substantial, permanent price drop — at The 2017 NAMM Show, January 19-22 in Anaheim, California Shop for Softube gear at Vintage King Audio and receive fast and free electronic delivery, tech support, and 0% financing on all Softube products Description. Please Note: Softube plug-ins support 64-bit hosts only, and a 64-bit OS is required. Search Softube Live Streams. There are couple of minor drawbacks that will most likely not affect your workflow: 1) Track names and numbers will have to be set manually (Softube mixer does not update information from FL Studio mixer) Feb 27, 2017 · Softube Console 1 Supports UAD Plug-ins. Support. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED OR RESTRICTED BY LAW OR WHERE REGISTRATION OR BONDING REQUIRED. This is not a standalone plug-in and requires Softube Modular. A serial number will be provided via email. Reverb is the marketplace for musicians to buy and sell used, vintage, and new music gear online. Mix and match units from Fairchild, Teletronix, Tube-Tech, Abbey Road Studios and many others. As an individual reviewer, it’s impossible for me to definitively judge if the manufacturing change has affected quality, but after testing it over several months, I can report that the updated model worked Now with software that enables you to manipulate select UAD plug-ins in the physical universe, the Softube Console 1 MK II Hardware and Software Mixer is an integrated hardware solution designed for studio mixing without the use of a mouse. Looking to contact someone directly? An extremely versatile compressor, modeled after the most famous solid-state compressor. Sep 22, 2016 · I have just purchased and installed Softube's Console1 yesterday and I experienced exactly the same issue you have reported with Logic X latest version. The Saturation Knob is a modeled output distortion that can be used anywhere you need some grit. 1) At the start of NAMM 2017 , Softube is proud to announce Console 1 Mk II which is an upgraded version of its hardware/software mixing system, ;with support for selected UAD Powered Plug-ins from Universal Audio and a substantial, permanent price drop. 888-763-8828. Double-click the installer and follow the directions to enjoy sweetly saturated magic. Read honest and unbiased product reviews from our users. Its my hope amongst others that Avid will offer support like the other developers. Technischer Support May 14, 2017 · Softube is proud to confirm Console 1 Mk II — a much more affordable version of its award-winning hardware/software mixing system, representing an enormous leap forward from its predecessor with support for selected UAD Powered Plug-ins from Universal Audio — is now globally available from any authorized Softube dealer. 0 out of 5 by DMSmith161 from Very Informative Sami is a wonderful tutor, and does a great job explaining each section of Heartbeat, and then applies it to some modern sound design techniques. I replied with a link to their T&C and quoted 7 Feb 2020 Many, if not all, DAW controllers rely on Mackie Control and/or HUI communication protocols to communicate with the host DAW, and support for 16 Oct 2019 Regarding additional support for plug-in parameters that are not immediately accessible from the C1 panel, the team is always looking at ways 18 Oct 2018 Ableton Live supports: *Automatic Track Other things I can't think of right now that 'are' possible with limited Softube Support. The added features, such as a continuous ratio control, parallel compression, lookahead and detector filters, together with the super-fast attack time and trademark sound, makes the FET the go-to compressor for everything from vocal shimmer to drum bus obliteration. View Softube’s System Requirements for compatibility information. May 21, 2014 · Softube’s Console 1 with OSD3 Software plug-ins have been central to the DAW production environment for nearly as long as DAWs have been in existence. A number of high-end computer recording plug-ins are available under the Softube brand and the company has done development for reputable companies such as Marshall (Marshall JMD:1 Amplifier), Fender (Fender Runaway Pedal), Abbey Road Studios, Native Instruments, Ableton I have only been using this Softube C1 for a couple of weeks and the crashes started then. 2, 96, 176. 5 and Studio One Professional 2. If you're stuck with something, ask them via facebook, they always reply when something is wrong. A quick way to do this is select all channels (click first channel, hold shift, click last channel) before inserting the plugin. Softube plugins & iLOK License manager will not open on Windows If you continue to experience this issue, please get in touch with our Technical Support team. All Software Sales Are Final: There will be NO REFUNDS or EXCHANGES accepted. These coupons are updated on 14, Apr 2020 by our MissedCoupon. Jan 10, 2019 · Just to update this post: I contacted the support from Softube again because now it's three month ago they promised the full integration in Ableton. Email. Aber Softube glaubt wie Sie an ehrgeizige Ziele. be/2jW2vBJ Quickly switch between your tracks and control EQ, compressor, gate and more. 5 users can now download a free copy of Softube’s Saturation Knob plug-in. Mit dem Upgrade von Volume 1 auf Volume 4 erweitern Sie die enorme Palette des Softube Plug-in-Universums um zahlreiche neue Plugins. I feel that I have a bank of plugins and a couple of midi controllers that could achieve similar results but yet this thing keeps pulling me back in with its flashy lights and well labelled knobs. Do any other Console 1 users have a similar issue? And is there any way of salvaging the songs and plugin settings? I have contacted Softube support. 8% back in rewards. They don't seem too concerned about third party plugins not working, which is a shame because it's hurting their reputation. If you are unable to download your Softube installers through Gobbler's 2. We will make future announcements about macOS Catalina compatibility on our Aug 23, 2019 · It's time to contact Tech Support. 02. Or customize your channels to fit your needs -- there are over 60 Console 1 ready plug-ins available from Softube and Universal Audio. Browse Softube products and enjoy free shipping on thousands of Softube gear & 30 day returns. 8 out of 5 by 2 . Be sure to add to master as well. Supported sample rates: 44. Apr 06, 2020 · Softube has announced that its Console 1 modern mixing ecosystem is now fully compatible with Ableton Live. The Softube Console 1 is a sleek all-in-one hardware and software mixing solution designed to streamline your audio mixing and production. Jul 13, 2016 · The Softube Modular has 4 outputs with the ability to unblock DC signals. It includes three distinctly different tape machine types, and it offers the ease of use and low CPU strain that today’s music creators rightfully expect. Then download and install the 'Softube Central' application. In that case, just send the question to us (Contact Softube Support) and we'll answer as fast as we can. Console 1 definitely stands proud in that crowd sound quality wise. But on their support page your ilok user ID is one of the fields that must be entered to process your request. directly off of Softube's website here: Softube's 'My Downloads' Page If you have any questions, please contact our Customer Support team at 'support@gobbler. nor a recommendation. Support · Our Story · Press Room · Careers · Contact us · My Account. Packaging should be the same as what is found in a retail store, unless the item is handmade or was packaged by the manufacturer in non-retail packaging, such as an unprinted box or plastic bag. Mixing a masterpiece isn’t easy, but with Console 1 Fader it’s a new kind of joy. the silly part is in my Softube/Gobbler account I see the correct ilok user ID so I think their is a flaw on their part, anyway I give up, I just blocked them from my ilok account because its just to many steps you have to go threw Softube Announce Console 1 Mk II With UAD Plug-in Support At the start of NAMM 2017 , Softube is proud to announce Console 1 Mk II which is an upgraded version of its hardware/software mixing system, with support for selected UAD Powered Plug-ins from Universal Audio and a substantial, permanent price drop. Problem with your Plug-in? 8. The new style uses the same I've had an opportunity to work on the console w/ Studio One and I can confirm that the work flow is a game changer. Indeed and outstandingly uaudio as dun it again and keep doing great things, well I have previously bought softube bass amp. Or. Now doing this requires an audio interface that is DC coupled which is usually rare as DC signals are bad for your speakers so most audio Includes a fix for Saffire interfaces that would not retain their Sync Source in standalone mode. For a complete list of the features supported by each DAW, check out Support was responsive and helpful though. 2) Is there a way to add support for transferring track names from FL Studio mixer into Softube mixing environment? (This question is probably Buy Softube Console 1 MKII: Digital Audio Workstation Controllers If you are a seller for this product, would you like to suggest updates through seller support? All Softube plug-ins support both 32- and 64-bit hosts, although a 64-bit OS is required. Free shipping on most orders. 5/3. com account under My Products>Add-ons. Get the guaranteed lowest price on Softube musical gear. com’s coupon submission communities, these softube. com'. Softube plug-ins are not tested in the non-listed systems, but they most likely work as long as the system requirements are met. The Softube Amp and Softube Bass Amp Rack Extension are included free in Reason 8 and Reason Essentials 8. Select sub-category Select sub-category. Why am I seeing a selection of brands? We are a family of brands, all committed to removing barriers to creativity. Support · Our Story · Press Room · Careers · Contact us · My Account Please Note: Softube plug-ins support 64-bit hosts only, and a 64-bit OS is required. First up, there’s Apollo Central For Console 1, a new (and free) feature that enables you to control your UA Apollo Console software with your Console 1 hardware. MUSIC 6000 MKII COAX INCL. 5 range of Cubase. Softube Console 1 Mk II with UAD Support. Customize your channels with any of the over 60 available Console 1 ready plug-ins from Softube and Universal Audio. 0 app, you can download them through your Gobbler Marketplace account Installers page. From today on, Console 1 taps into the power of Cubase 9. x is no longer supported (contact Products · Latest · Support · Login. Since then, many different plug-in manufacturers used many different folders. com coupons, deals, offers and discount code has been verified on a timely manner to check the reliability of the coupons displayed here. Console 1 MKII includes SSL SL 4000 E, a modeled analog console channel plug-in with 4-band EQ, compression, emulated analog console saturation, and a unique Dynamic Shaper. 1. Their product line-up includes highly regarded recreations of hardware from Drawmer, Trident, Tube-Tech, Weiss &amp; more, as well as their own unique creations. It was obvious that the Console 1 receives MIDI data which caused this behaviour; having only audio files in the arrangement was trouble free. 6 upgrade). We help you find the right parts and help you fix your Softub. Make sure you have your iLok account linked as well. presonus. When you buy products through links across our site, we Their support tells me they can't cancel my order because of “the nature of the software”, giving no further reason. It has to be said that there is an element of commitment involved in getting into Eurorack and modular synthesis. Apr 03, 2020 · Softube has announced full compatibility between Ableton Live and Softube's Console 1 ecosystem allowing Live users to take advantage of all the hands-on capabilities that both Console 1 and Console 1 Fader offer in the studio or on the stage. March 5, 2018. Softube Console 1 is a new type of audio mixer. Firestarters Softube Parallels Contest Terms DISTRIBUTED CREATION INC. LINKÖPING, SWEDEN: having blown musical minds when launching its Console 1 Mk II — a much more affordable upgraded version of its award-winning hardware/software mixing system retaining the same build quality as the original units with some minor layout changes, such as more visible LED markers — at The 2017 NAMM Show, January 19-22 in Anaheim, California, high-end plug-in specialist Enter Softube Volume 4 Plug-in Collection, the premium quality bundle that can take your work to the next level. Its a huge pain to get tracks to stay in synch when using Logic Pro X with my Softube Console 1 and Mackie Control. **KNOWN Softube Console 1 now supports Cubase. Note: If you are posting a bug report or need help with a problem, we will also need this information: Operating system and version (for Softub® Direct New Sales. Enter your email address below to allow Softube to contact you directly from time to time. Users of Console 1 can now select tracks and control various track parameters like volume, pan or sends within Cubase. Thanks, Darren Softube have a great support for customers. Rated 5. Once registered, the Softube Central app can be download from the My Products page. One-knob distortion to fatten up bass lines, add some shimmer to vocals or squash drum loops. The layout of the different mode and function buttons on Console 1 Fader’s panel is satisfying, as they are uncluttered and clearly labelled, and are well-positioned for ease of use. In addition to classics such as the Summit Audio Grand Channel, Vintage Amp Room and Modular, Volume 3 contains four plug-ins that were previously not available as part of the bundle. 5! Our Swedish colleagues at Softube have 20 Jul 2017 In addition there is increased DAW controller support, including full The latest update now supports a combination of over 70 Softube and 17 Sep 2015 Should i start new request with Softube support as well? No need to do that, I have passed this info on to Softube. We are Softub factory trained and authorized Service Center. Here is a link to the Softube Tape plug-in in the Pre The Softube Central app is where you can easily install and license your Softube software. 04. It includes three distinctly different tape machine types, and it offers the ease of use and low CPU strain th Softube's Console 1 is a remarkable piece of hardware that gives you hands-on control over almost any DAW project as well as pre-mapped access to over 70 plug-ins by Softube and Universal Audio. This was the answer: 'I'm afraid I don't have any more info to share than I did back in November; this will happen in an upcoming version of Ableton but I'm afraid I myself don't know the release Softube Console 1 MKII Control Surface Quickly switch between your tracks and control EQ, compressor, gate and more. Softube's have another new virtual instrument - this time its aimed at the lower end - not in terms of quality, but Bass of course. I guess there's something similar with Softube. Most Softube Music Software are eligible for free shipping. Mar 13, 2018 · Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for Softube Console 1 MKII at Amazon. BROADCAST 6000 MKII XLR INCL. Oct 24, 2018 · The Softube's ROLI Seaboard RISE module is an interface between your Seaboard and Modular, featuring 38 CV outputs and seamlessly bringing 5D Touch to the world of virtual analog modular synthesis. To download the Softube Amps in Reason 8 or Reason Essentials 8, login in to Your Account, and click the Sync All button. iLok License Manager is a free end-user desktop application for Mac OS and Windows that makes license management as easy as drag-and-drop. I having problems downloading this ext. See the individual tutorial descriptions below for more info. For full details, please see the Softube Plug-Ins Manual. DIGITAL BYPASS BROADCAST MAXIMIZER II. If you haven’t been able to find your answer, our support team will be happy to help. REMOTE CPU 6000 US GOT. Monoment is a monophonic key span limited instrument with samples taken from a rarified collection by sound designer Tobias Menguser. Join Todd Misc. ilok. The issue has been identified by Softtube devs (thanks to Mike and Patrik) and has meanwhile been worked around in a recent Softube update. Fader allows users to raise their sound quality bar to new heights. Softube Console 1 MKII - The Softube Console 1 MKII is a powerful and highly intuitive control interface, designed to optimise your workflow when it comes to mixing and processing audio. Listing answers tagged 'iLok Troubleshooting'. There might be an easy way to do it but I'm a bit new to Windows 8. Explore Softube’s dual-wavescanning synth that blends classic synths with the future. Buy Softube VST Plugins, Softube Instruments and Effects, Download Online, Softube Free Demo Plugins from Pluginboutique. FILM 6000 MKII COAX INCL. Softube's emulation was developed in close collaboration with SSL, and it's included with the purchase of Console 1. iLok iLok Products · Latest · Support · Login. It happens with all of my Softube and any UAD made by Softube. *Upgrade for all registered users of Softube´s Volume 2. The plug-in is provided in a Studio One Extension, and it is not necessary to create a Once purchased, the Softube Tape plug-in can be found in your my. Head over to Softube for more information and the download <- Back to: Detailview Good! Yeah, it's the same with v2. Softube American Class A Plug-In The Softube American Class A Plug-In is Based on the greatest classics of American mixing console hardware, this channel strip is fast and easy to work with, and brings a truckload of character to the party. If we can't repair it, we'll replace it or reimburse the purchase price with an Amazon e-gift card. I very much enjoy the hands on feel of working with Console 1. Buy Softube Console 1 MKII Hardware and Software Mixer with Integrated UAD Control featuring Integrated Hardware and Software System, Works with UAD Plug-Ins, Controls Apollo Console Software, Works with Softube Plug-Ins, Analog Modeling and Hands-On Control, Emulated SSL 4000 E-Series Channel Strip, Improved LEDs over Original, AAX, VST, AU Plug-In Formats, Mac &amp; Windows Compatible Softube is a world leading developer of audio recording software and plug-ins for use with Pro Tools, Logic, Studio One, Cubase and many other DAWs. Seeing that Universal Audio and Softube are longtime partners, and that Console 1 is a super-intuitive control surface, it all just makes so much sense. After they are installed you will be able to open them in your DAW of choice. 2020, receive the British Class A Channel with a value of 225 Euro direct from Softube, for free. Follow us Via your Softube account you can see available updates or upgrades, and special discounts you are eligible for. Softube took their incredible FET Compressor VST and optimized the interface for the ProChannel. There’s the inevitable inherent price tag and then there’s the bewildering array of modules available, so if your path towards modular glory is laced with trepidation, the new Softube Modular could well be the answer – at least in the short term. Mar 18, 2020 · Softube has announced availability of Volume 4, an update to the premium quality bundle comprising over 30 plugins for a single discounted price. But the random exit crashes have happened from day one using S1 (about four weeks). Mix with The No. The application runs on the user's computer and communicates with the PACE database via our activation services. com; Broadband internet access for downloading installer and register licenses Please Note: Windows XP and Vista are no longer officially supported; All Softube plug-ins support both 32- and 64-bit hosts, although a 64-bit OS is required. IMPORTANT MESSAGE Misc. Jan 18, 2017 · Visit the Console 1 product page for more information: http://softu. Note: This product is a digital download. Softube Modular Synth. Contact Us Questions about Softub? Head over to our FAQ section to see if your answer is there. The distortions, a terrain in which the most common is to recommend the passage to analog systems to avoid incurring the annoying aliasing, are gaining weight in their software versions thanks to careful implementations Nov 10, 2016 · Softube has announced a new module for its Modular software synthesizer, RISE, that adds support for the ROLI Seaboard RISE MIDI controller and MPE. We cannot guarantee a solution for issues in unsupported systems. External side-chaining is possible, provided the host DAW supports it, and the This is a really useful hardware 'knob box' for controlling DAW channel strips. Spa Experts over 25 Years. Softube's Console 1 MKII is an integrated hardware/software mixing solution that brings the feel of a real console to your DAW. softube support
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