Jdeveloper For Mac

Installation Guide for Oracle JDeveloper

11g Release 1 (


June 2013

Important Note - an update set of instructions for those installing JDeveloper on Mac Lion OS 10.7 is here. So here we go with Marc's instructions for: Installing JDeveloper 11gR1 on Mac OS 10.5 (Leopard) - Download jdevstudio11110install.jar from OTN ( Make Java 6 the default JVM on your Mac.

This document provides information on:

1 Oracle JDeveloper System Requirements

This release of Oracle JDeveloper is tested and supported on the specific versions Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X, as listed in Section 1.1, 'Recommended CPU, Memory, Display, and Hard Drive Configurations'. In addition, it is supported on any operating system that supports Java SE Development Kit (JDK) 6 Update 21 or later.

1.1 Recommended CPU, Memory, Display, and Hard Drive Configurations

The following tables list the recommended CPU, memory, display, and hard drive requirements for the different operating systems:

The following table lists the recommended CPU, memory, display, and hard drive requirements for the Windows operating system:

Table 1 Recommended CPU, Memory, Display, and Hard Drive Requirements for Windows


Operating System

Windows Vista

Windows 7

Windows Server 2003 R2

Windows Server 2008

Windows XP-Service Pack 2

CPU Type and Speed

Pentium IV 2 GHz or faster


64-bit systems: 3 GB RAM


65536 colors, set to at least 1024 X 768 resolution

Hard Drive Space

Studio Edition: 3 GB


JDK 6.0 Update 21 for Windows, or the most recent update available at the time of install.

Available to download at: http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/index.html


This release of Oracle JDeveloper supports the 64-bit versions of Windows and Java.

The following table lists the recommended CPU, memory, display, and hard drive requirements for the Linux operating system:

Table 2 Recommended CPU, Memory, Display, and Hard Drive Requirements for Linux



Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.0

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4.0

Oracle Enterprise Linux 5.0

Oracle Enterprise Linux 4.0

SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10

SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11

CPU Type and Speed

Pentium IV 2 GHz or faster


64-bit systems: 3 GB RAM


65536 colors, set to at least 1024 X 768 resolution

Hard Drive Space

Studio Edition: 3 GB


JDK 6.0 Update 21 for Linux, or the most recent update available at the time of install.

Available to download at: http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/index.html.

The following table lists the recommended CPU, memory, display, and hard drive requirements for the Mac OS X operating system:

Table 3 Recommended CPU, Memory, Display, and Hard Drive Requirements for MAC OS X


Operating System

Apple Mac OS X Version 10.6 or later

CPU Type and Speed

64-bit Intel processors


64-bit systems: 3 GB RAM


'Thousands' of colors

Hard Drive Space

Studio Edition: 3 GB


Java SE 6 for Mac OS X 10.6, or the most recent update available at the time of install.

Available to download at: http://support.apple.com/kb/HT4439

2 Oracle JDeveloper Certification Information

For the most current information on software that is certified for use with Oracle JDeveloper, see the Oracle JDeveloper documentation page on the Oracle Technology Network (OTN) web site: http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/developer-tools/jdev/documentation/index.html.


This version of Oracle JDeveloper ships with Apache ANT 1.7.1. Later versions of ANT may work with this release, but they are not supported and may cause unexpected behavior.

3 Installing the Oracle JDeveloper Studio Edition

Oracle Installer can be used to install Oracle JDeveloper Studio 11.1.1.x.x, the ADF Runtime, and Oracle WebLogic Server 11g Release 1 (10.3.5) on your system.

Oracle Installer is available in the following forms:

  • Generic installer (jdevstudio11117install.jar) that can be used to install Oracle JDeveloper Studio on any platform. In order to use this installer, you must have JDK 6.0 Update 21 or later installed on your system.

  • Two platform-specific installers that include JDK 6.0 Update 24. You need not have the JDK pre-installed on your system to use these platform installers:

    • Windows Installer (jdevstudio11117install.exe)

    • Linux Installer (jdevstudio11117install.bin)

The installers are available in the Oracle JDeveloper 11g and Oracle Application Development Framework 11g ( disk.

For more information about installing the ADF Runtime, see the 'Deploying Fusion Web Applications' chapter in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Fusion Developer's Guide for Oracle Application Development Framework.

For more information about using the Oracle WebLogic Server in Oracle JDeveloper, see Section 11, 'Using Oracle WebLogic Server with Oracle JDeveloper'.


  • If you are reinstalling the same version of Oracle JDeveloper after uninstalling it, the system directory from the previous installation, gets associated with the new installation by default. Therefore, if you wish to reinstall the same version of Oracle JDeveloper, you must either delete the previously created system directory first, or set a new user home directory after reinstallation, as described in Section 9, 'Setting the User Home Directory'.

  • On Windows systems, if you are uninstalling your current version of JDeveloper to install a newer version, Oracle recommends that you reboot your system after uninstallation, and before you begin the new installation.

3.1 Before You Begin

Before you run the generic installer, ensure that the following prerequisites are satisfied:

  • You must have JDK 6.0 Update 21 or later installed on your system. If you don't have JDK 6.0 Update 21 installed or the most recent update available at the time of install, you can obtain it from: http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/index.html.

  • To streamline your installation process, the JDK you wish to use with the product should be the one you use to start the installer program. In that case, be sure the desired JDK is the first one in your system PATH, or reference it explicitly on the command line.

  • If the JDK you use to launch the installer doesn't meet the minimum product requirements, you will be given the opportunity to browse for one during the installation process.


JDK 6 Update 24 is installed automatically when you use the platform-specific installer.

3.2 Launching the Installer

Depending on the type of installer you are using, you can begin the installation process in one of the following ways:

  • To launch the platform-independent installer, enter: java -jar jdevstudio11117install.jar.

  • To launch the Windows installer, double-click the jdevstudio11117install.exe file.

  • To launch the Linux installer, follow these steps:

    1. Ensure that the jdevstudio11117install.bin file is executable: chmod +x jdevstudio11117install.bin.

    2. Execute the file: ./jdevstudio11117install.bin.

You can also launch the installer in silent mode, to ensure that no configuration options are displayed during the installation process. For more information, see Section 12.1, 'Installing Oracle JDeveloper Studio in Silent Mode'.

3.3 Installer Screens

The installer provides several screens that allow you to specify various parameters for the installation:

  1. Welcome

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    Click Next to begin the installation process.

  2. Choose Middleware Home Directory

    You can create a new Middleware Home directory, or select one from a list of existing Middleware Home directories. If you choose a directory that already has Oracle JDeveloper and Oracle WebLogic Server components installed on it, you are taken directly to the Choose Products and Components screen to select additional components to install.

    If you choose to create a new Middleware Home directory, the default provided is C:OracleMiddleware for Windows, and $HOME/Oracle/Middleware/ for Linux and Unix platforms.


    Ensure that you choose a directory that does not contain spaces. For example, do not use C:Program Files as the Middleware Home.


    • The JDeveloper component should always be installed in new Middleware Home. The only component in the Oracle installer that can be installed into an existing Middleware Home is the Application Development Framework, and that should not be done if ADF has already been installed on the system by other Oracle Fusion Middleware products.

    • For the remainder of this document, in the context of the Studio Edition, MW_HOME has been used to represent the Middleware Home directory that you have chosen. For example, if you selected C:Oracle as your Middleware Home directory, then MW_HOME would refer to C:Oracle.

  3. Choose Install Type

    Select either Complete or Custom depending on the type of installation you want to perform. Selecting Complete will install Oracle JDeveloper Studio, Application Development Framework Runtime, and Oracle WebLogic Server on your system. For more information about the Oracle WebLogic Server components that are installed in the complete installation, see the Oracle Fusion Middleware Installation Guide for Oracle WebLogic Server.

    Selecting Custom takes you to the Choose Products and Components screen, where you can select the components you want to install.

  4. Choose Products and Components (Custom Install only)

    Select the components you wish to install. If you deselect a component that is needed by other components, those are deselected as well. For more information about Oracle WebLogic Server components, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Getting Started With Installation for Oracle WebLogic Server.


    • If you choose to not install the Application Development Framework Runtime component, you can still run ADF applications by installing Oracle Application Developer, which provides the ability to configure standalone ADF applications on Oracle WebLogic Server in an environment managed by Oracle Enterprise Manager. For more information, see Section 11.2, 'Configuring Oracle WebLogic Server for ADF'.

    • If some components are already installed in your Middleware Home directory, they will appear grayed out on this screen.

  5. Confirm Product Installation Directories

    View the directories that the components will be installed in. To make changes, click Back and navigate to the desired screen, or click Next to continue with the installation.


    In addition to the disk space required by the components you have chosen to install, the installer needs 684MB of temporary work space. If there is insufficient disk space on your system, a dialog will appear informing you about it. You can then either free up space in your desired location, or click Previous and choose an alternate location on the Choose Middleware Home Directory screen.

  6. Install Windows Service (Windows systems only)

    Select to install the Node Manager Service. Node Manager is used to monitor, start, and stop server instances in a domain. For more information, see the Oracle Fusion Middleware Installation Guide for Oracle WebLogic Server.


    Oracle JDeveloper and ADF do not require the use of the Node Manager Service.

  7. Choose Shortcut Location (Windows systems only)

    Select the Start Menu folder where you want to place your shortcuts. You can select one of the following options:

    • 'All Users' Start Menu folder

      Select this option to provide all users registered on this machine with access to installed software. Only users with Administrator privileges can create shortcuts in the All Users folder.

    • Local user's Start Menu folder

      Select this option to ensure that other users registered on this machine will not have access to the Start menu entries for this installation.

  8. Installation Summary

    Displays the components that will be installed and total disk space that will be utilized.

  9. Installation status

    Displays the progress of the installation.

  10. Installation Complete

    Select Run Quickstart to open the Quickstart window once the installation process has ended. Quickstart enables you to easily launch installed components and access online documentation.

    Click Done to end the installation process.


    Should the installation process be interrupted prior to completion, the result is likely an incomplete and non-functional partial installation. If this occurs, the recommended approach is to attempt to uninstall the previous installation. If that is successful, you can re-install normally, otherwise you should re-install into a new middleware home.

3.4 Verifying Your Installation

To view information about which products and components were installed, open the registry.xml file, located at: MW_HOME/registry.xml.

4 Using Oracle JDeveloper on Windows

Once the installation is complete, you can begin using Oracle JDeveloper on Windows systems.

4.1 Starting Oracle JDeveloper

To start Oracle JDeveloper Studio on Windows, use any of the following methods:

  • From your Start Menu, select All Programs, then select Oracle Fusion Middleware 11.1.1.x.x, and then select JDeveloper Studio 11.1.1.x.x.

  • You can also start Oracle JDeveloper from the command line by running one of the following commands:

    • MW_HOMEjdeveloperjdeveloper.exe

    • MW_HOMEjdeveloperjdevbinjdevw.exe

    • MW_HOMEjdeveloperjdevbinjdev.exe (to display a console window for internal diagnostic information)

If you installed Oracle JDeveloper using the generic installer, s

4.2 Changing the JDK location

To change a JDK location that you have previously specified, set the variable SetJavaHome in the file MW_HOMEjdeveloperjdevbinjdev.conf to the location of your JDK installation. Use an editor that recognizes UNIX end-of-line characters, such as WordPad. When you save the file, WordPad will warn you that it is about to save the file in text-only format. You can ignore this warning.

For example, in a Windows environment, if the location of your JDK is in a directory called jdk1.6.0_21 on your D: drive, your entry in jdev.conf would look like:

SetJavaHome d:jdk1.6.0_21

4.3 User Directories

The following list describes the default directory structure within Oracle JDeveloper on Windows:

  • The default location for the system subdirectory is %APPDATA%JDevelopersystem11.1.1.7.XX.XX.XX, where XX.XX.XX is the unique number of the product build.

  • The default location for user-generated content is:

    • C:UsersuserDocumentsJDevelopermywork on Windows Vista systems.

    • C:JDevelopermywork on all other Windows platforms.

For more information on user directories and how to set the value for the home environment variable, see Section 9, 'Setting the User Home Directory'.

5 Using Oracle JDeveloper on Linux and UNIX Systems

Once the installation is complete, you can begin working with Oracle JDeveloper on Linux and UNIX systems.

5.1 Changing System Cursors

On UNIX or Linux platforms, the Java cursors may display large and opaque, creating difficulties when used for drag and drop operations. To address this problem Oracle JDeveloper provides a set of cursors to replace the default set. You must have write access to the JDK in order to replace the cursors.

To replace the cursors:

  1. Make a backup copy of the default cursors located in the JDK directory at:


  2. Extract the replacement cursors from the tar file at:


5.2 Setting the System Resource Limit

The minimum recommended system resource limit for Oracle JDeveloper on Linux systems is 4096.

To determine the resource limit configuration for your system, enter:

  • /bin/sh -c 'ulimit -n'

If the value returned is less than 4096, you set the system resource limit:

  1. Open the limits.conf file, which is located in the /etc/security/ directory.

  2. Look for the following lines:

  3. In the lines, change the value to 4096. The lines will then read:


    In case the lines listed in Step 2 do not exist, add the lines listed in Step 3 to the limits.conf file.

5.3 Starting Oracle JDeveloper

To start Oracle JDeveloper on Linux and UNIX, run the file MW_HOME/jdeveloper/jdev/bin/jdev.

If you installed Oracle JDeveloper using the generic installer,

5.4 Changing the JDK location

To change a JDK location that you have previously specified, set the variable SetJavaHome in the file MW_HOME/jdeveloper/jdev/bin/jdev.conf to the location of your Java installation.

For example, in a UNIX environment, if the location of your JDK is in a directory called /usr/local/java, your entry in jdev.conf would look like:

SetJavaHome /usr/local/java

6 Using Oracle JDeveloper on Mac OS X Platforms

Once the installation is complete, you need to perform the following additional steps before you can begin using Oracle JDeveloper on Mac OS X platforms:

  1. Make JDK 6.0 the default VM:

    1. Run the Java Preferences utility, located in /Applications/Utilities/Java.

    2. On the General page, in the Java Version list, move Java SE 6 (64 Bit) to the top.

  2. Enable the root user:

    1. Open the Directory Utility application, located in /System/Library/CoreServices.

    2. Ensure the settings are unlocked (click the lock if necessary).

    3. From the Edit menu, select Enable Root User.

  3. Create a symbolic link for classes.jar. At the command prompt, enter the following:


You can disable the root user after creating the symbolic link.

6.1 Starting Oracle JDeveloper

To start Oracle JDeveloper, run the file MW_HOME/jdeveloper/jdev/bin/jdev.

If you installed Oracle JDeveloper using the generic installer,

6.2 Changing the JDK location

To change a JDK location that you have previously specified, set the variable SetJavaHome in the file MW_HOME/jdeveloper/jdev/bin/jdev.conf to the location of your Java installation.

For example, in a Mac OS X environment, if the location of your JDK is in a directory called /usr/local/java, your entry in jdev.conf would look like:

SetJavaHome /usr/local/java

7 Migrating from a Previous Version

This version of Oracle JDeveloper supports migration from Oracle JDeveloper or later only. Oracle recommends migrating to Oracle JDeveloper from all earlier versions before migrating to this release of Oracle JDeveloper.

7.1 Migrating User Settings

When you start Oracle JDeveloper for the first time (and each time after adding a new extension or making an upgrade), Oracle JDeveloper will display the Confirm Import Preferences dialog to ask whether to import your preferences and settings from a previous installation.

On the Confirm Import Preferences dialog, click Show All Installations to view a list of all previous installations. From this list, choose the installation that you want to import preferences and settings from. Hovering over a particular installation displays the path to the installation as a tooltip. Alternatively, you can click the Find a previous installation manually button (with the image of a magnifying glass) on the top right of the installation list to browse for an installation manually. Clicking Yes on the Confirm Import Preferences dialog imports user preferences and the state of the IDE from the previous installation.

To force Oracle JDeveloper to display the Confirm Import Preferences dialog, use the -migrate flag when starting Oracle JDeveloper from the command line, for example, jdev -migrate.


If you migrate to another version of Oracle JDeveloper, you will need to reinstall the extensions that you want to use.

7.2 Migrating Projects

When you open an application or project that was created in a prior release, Oracle JDeveloper will prompt to migrate the project to Oracle JDeveloper 11g. Depending on the content of the projects, Oracle JDeveloper may display additional prompts to migrate some specific source files as well. Oracle recommends that you make a backup copy of your projects before migrating. See the Oracle JDeveloper page on OTN for more information about migrating specific types of projects to 11g.

For more information on migration, please see the Release Notes.

8 Enabling Oracle Fusion Applications Extensions

Before you can extend or customize Oracle Fusion Applications extensions in Oracle JDeveloper, you first need to install the extensions from the Fusion Applications Companion Disk. For more information about installing Oracle Fusion Applications extensions in Oracle JDeveloper, see the 'Setting Up Your Development Environment' chapter in the Oracle Fusion Applications Developer's Guide.

9 Setting the User Home Directory

This section provides instructions on how to define a user home environment variable and set its value for each user in order for Oracle JDeveloper to identify user home directories correctly.

The user home directory contains the user's preferences for Oracle JDeveloper (in the system subdirectory). It is also the default location for new projects (in the JDevelopermywork directory) as well as other configuration files that are specific to a given user.


Ensure that you choose a Home directory that does not contain spaces. For example, do not use C:My Home as your home directory.

To define the name of the user home environment variable:

  1. Open the file MW_HOME/jdeveloper/jdev/bin/jdev.boot in a text editor. Use an editor that recognizes UNIX end-of-line characters, such as WordPad.

  2. Find the entry:

    ide.user.dir.var = JDEV_USER_HOME, JDEV_USER_DIR

    This is the default variable that Oracle JDeveloper will look for at startup. You can define or add any environment variable that Oracle JDeveloper should use. As the terminal server administrator, you may change the name of this variable to follow your system's naming conventions.


    You can explicitly set the home environment variable by adding the following line in the jdev.boot file: ide.user.dir = <Path to preferred user directory>

    The output should look something like this:

  3. Save the file. If you are using WordPad, it will warn you that it is about to save the file in text-only format. You can ignore this warning.

The user home directory can also be specified from the command line using this command:

jdev.exe -J-Dide.user.dir=<Path>


  • jdev.exe -J-Dide.user.dir=D:usersjdoe (on Windows).

  • jdev.exe -J-Dide.user.dir=/home/users/jdoe (on Linux and UNIX).

Jdeveloper For Mac

9.1 Setting the Home Environment Variable on Windows

To set the home environment variable on a Windows systems, including individual users of Oracle JDeveloper on a multiuser system, use the following steps:


Do not set the home environment variable to a directory that contains spaces. For example, do not specify C:My Projects as the home directory.

  1. From the Windows Start menu, select Control Panel, and then select System.

  2. Select the Advanced tab, then click Environment Variables.

  3. In the User Variables section, click New.

  4. Add JDEV_USER_DIR, or the name you chose for ide.user.dir.var, as a user variable.

  5. Set the value of this variable to your home directory (for example, N:usersjdoe), and click OK.

  6. To check your variable setting, open a command shell and enter:


    You should see output similar to the following:


  7. Launch Oracle JDeveloper.

  8. From the Help menu, select About to verify that the value of ide.user.dir is set to your user home directory.

9.2 Setting the Home Environment Variable on Linux and UNIX

Use the following steps to set the environment variable on Linux and UNIX systems. The examples and syntax provided refer to the C Shell.


Do not set the home environment variable to a directory that contains spaces. For example, do not specify home/jdoe/my projects as the home directory.

  1. In your startup configuration file (for example, .cshrc), set the environment variable to your preferred directory:

    setenv JDEV_USER_DIR $HOME/mydocs/jdevfiles

  2. Source the file to make your changes take effect:

    source .cshrc

  3. Display the environment variable to confirm the change:

    echo $JDEV_USER_DIR

    You should see output similar to the following:


  4. Launch Oracle JDeveloper.

  5. From the Help menu, select About to verify that the value of ide.user.dir is set to your user home directory.

By default, the user home directory on Linux and UNIX is $HOME/jdevhome.

9.3 Setting the Home Environment Variable on Mac OS X

Use the following steps to set the environment variable on Mac OS X systems. The examples and syntax provided refer to the BASH shell.


Do not set the home environment variable to a directory that contains spaces. For example, do not specify home/jdoe/my projects as the home directory.

  1. In your startup configuration file (for example, .bashrc), set the environment variable to your preferred directory:


  2. Export the new value of the environment variable:

    export JDEV_USER_DIR

  3. Source the file to make your changes take effect:

    . .profile

  4. Display the environment variable to confirm the change:

    echo $JDEV_USER_DIR

    You should see output similar to the following:


  5. Launch Oracle JDeveloper.

  6. From the Help menu, select About to verify that the value of ide.user.dir is set to your user home directory.

By default, the user home directory on Mac OS X is $HOME/jdeveloper.

10 Using Oracle JDeveloper in a Multiuser Environment

You can install Oracle JDeveloper in Microsoft Terminal Server, Citrix MetaFrame and MetaFrame XP (for Windows), and MetaFrame 1.1 for UNIX environments. These environments allow many clients to access one installation of Oracle JDeveloper. In all cases, users can save their projects locally.

When installing and configuring Oracle JDeveloper for a multiuser environment, you'll need to account for resource planning, such as number of users and power of the server to deliver optimal performance for Oracle JDeveloper and your users.

10.1 Installing Oracle JDeveloper on a Citrix MetaFrame Server or a Microsoft Terminal Server

You need to have administrative privileges to install Oracle JDeveloper.

To install Oracle JDeveloper on a Citrix MetaFrame or Microsoft Terminal Server:

  1. Install Oracle JDeveloper.

  2. Define the user home directory environment variable as instructed in Section 10.2, 'Configuring User Home Directories in a Multiuser Environment' and in Section 10.3, 'Configuring Terminal Server Clients for Running Oracle JDeveloper'.

10.2 Configuring User Home Directories in a Multiuser Environment

Before you run Oracle JDeveloper in a terminal server environment, you may want to define the user home environment variable and set its value for each user, in order for Oracle JDeveloper to identify user home directories correctly. If the variable is not defined and set, Oracle JDeveloper uses the MW_HOMEJDevelopersystem directory for each user for storing system settings, and C:JDevelopermywork as the default user source directory for all users. See Section 9, 'Setting the User Home Directory' for instructions on how to configure user home directory environment variables.

10.3 Configuring Terminal Server Clients for Running Oracle JDeveloper

This section assumes that you have already installed a Citrix MetaFrame or Microsoft Terminal Server client locally and that Oracle JDeveloper has been installed and configured by the system administrator.

To configure a terminal server client for running Oracle JDeveloper:

  1. Verify that the color resolution of the terminal server client has been set to a minimum of 256 colors. This minimum resolution is required by Java JDK 6.0.

  2. Log on to your terminal server.

  3. Verify that the user home environment variable has been defined: Ask your system administrator for the naming convention that is used on your system. The default variable is JDEV_USER_DIR.

  4. Set the user home environment variable, as described in Section 9.1, 'Setting the Home Environment Variable on Windows'.

  5. Launch Oracle JDeveloper.

  6. Oracle JDeveloper will ask if you would like your user home directory to be created. Click Yes.

  7. From the Help menu, select About to verify that the value of ide.user.dir is set to your user home directory.

If you run Oracle JDeveloper in a multiuser environment and you see the error

The system DLL ole32.dll was relocated in memory. Best external dvd blu ray drives for mac. The application will not run properly. The relocation occurred because the DLL Dynamically Allocated Memory occupied an address range reserved for Windows NT system DLL's. The vendor supplying the DLL should be contacted for a new DLL.

You will need to update the MW_HOME/jdeveloper/jdev/bin/jdev.conf file by uncommenting the line:

AddVMOption -Xheapbase100000000

Use an editor that recognizes UNIX end-of-line characters, such as WordPad. You may have to change the number upward or downward if you still get the error when starting Oracle JDeveloper. When you save the file, WordPad will warn you that it is about to save the file in text-only format. You can ignore this warning.

In addition, each user must modify the default project to apply this setting. To specify this value in the default project settings:

  1. From the Application menu, select Default Project Properties.

  2. In the Default Project Properties dialog, click Run/Debug/Profile, and then click Edit.

  3. Click the Launch Settings node.

  4. On the Launch Settings page, enter -Xheapbase100000000 in the Java Options field.

11 Using Oracle WebLogic Server with Oracle JDeveloper


This section is not applicable to the Java edition.

Installing Oracle JDeveloper Studio 11g Release 1 ( also automatically installs Oracle WebLogic Server 11g Release 1 (10.3.5). Oracle JDeveloper uses this preconfigured installation as the Integrated Oracle WebLogic Server, an Oracle JDeveloper-managed server for testing and debugging your applications from within the IDE. After installing Oracle JDeveloper, everything you need to begin developing, testing and debugging web applications is installed and configured for you; no additional configuration steps are necessary for development purposes.

For additional information on using a standalone Oracle WebLogic Server instance with Oracle JDeveloper, see the Help topic 'Connecting and Deploying to Oracle WebLogic Server' in the Oracle JDeveloper online documentation.

11.1 Default User and Password on Integrated Oracle WebLogic Server

The default user for an Administrator on Integrated WebLogic Server is weblogic, and the default password is weblogic1.

11.2 Configuring Oracle WebLogic Server for ADF

The Oracle WebLogic Server domain that is created for you during installation, DefaultDomain, is not intended for use outside of the IDE. To deploy ADF applications to a standalone Oracle WebLogic Server, the server must be configured to run ADF applications.

To prepare Oracle WebLogic Server for running ADF applications:

  1. Install Oracle WebLogic Server 11g Release 1 (10.3.5). Use Oracle Installer to install at least the Oracle WebLogic Server Core Application Server and Configuration Wizard and Upgrade Framework components. You can install Oracle WebLogic Server 11g Release 1 (10.3.5) using any Oracle distribution media.

    For more information about installing Oracle WebLogic Server, see the following documentation:

    • Oracle Fusion Middleware Getting Started With Installation for Oracle WebLogic Server.

    • Oracle Fusion Middleware Installation Guide for Oracle WebLogic Server.

  2. Add ADF runtime libraries to the Oracle WebLogic Server environment. This step provides the necessary patches to Oracle WebLogic Server for ADF, and copies the ADF runtime jar files and domain templates to the server environment. Add the ADF Runtime in one of the two following ways:

    • If you did not install the Application Development Framework Runtime component during installation of Oracle WebLogic Server, you can do so by running Oracle Installer as described in Section 3.2, 'Launching the Installer'. Perform a custom installation, and install the ADF Runtime component into the existing Oracle WebLogic Server home.

    • Run the Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g Application Developer Installer, which is available through any of the Oracle Fusion Middleware distribution media, and install the ADF runtime to the existing Oracle WebLogic Server home. Oracle Application Developer provides the ability to run standalone ADF applications in a server environment managed by Oracle Enterprise Manager. For more information about the Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g Application Developer Installer, see the Oracle Fusion Middleware Installation Guide for Application Developer.

    For more information about adding the ADF runtime libraries to a stand-alone Oracle WebLogic Server, see the 'Installing the ADF Runtime to the WebLogic Installation' section in the 'Deploying Fusion Web Applications' chapter in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Fusion Developer's Guide for Oracle Application Development Framework.

  3. Configure a new or existing domain for ADF runtime. Before deploying an ADF application to Oracle WebLogic Server, you must configure a domain for ADF runtime. Use the WebLogic Configuration wizard to create a new domain configured automatically to support Application Development Framework Runtime or to extend an existing domain with the ADF runtime domain templates.

    For more information about configuring Oracle WebLogic Server domains and preparing a domain for running ADF applications, see the following documentation:

    • Oracle Fusion Middleware Creating WebLogic Domains Using the Configuration Wizard.

    • The 'Creating and Extending WebLogic Domains' section in the 'Deploying Fusion Web Applications' chapter in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Fusion Developer's Guide for Oracle Application Development Framework.

12 Oracle JDeveloper Accessibility Information

The following sections provide information on how to use accessibility features in Oracle JDeveloper, including how to perform a silent installation.

12.1 Installing Oracle JDeveloper Studio in Silent Mode

Silent-mode installation is a way of setting installation configurations only once to ensure that no configuration options are displayed during the installation process. During installation in silent mode, the installation program reads the settings for your configuration from an XML file that you create before beginning the installation.

To install in silent mode:

  1. Create a silent.xml file that defines the configuration settings that will be used for the installation. See Section Section 12.1.1, 'Creating the silent.xml file' for more information.

  2. Start the silent installation by using the following command:

    java -jar jdevstudio11117install.jar -mode=silent -log=install.log

    The -log=install.log argument maintains a log of the installation in the install.log file. Information contained in the log file helps you investigate installation failures.


    To use a silent.xml file in a location other than the directory in which Oracle Installer resides, also use the additional argument -silent_xml=<your_location>silent.xml.

12.1.1 Creating the silent.xml file

The silent.xml file contains several parameters that you can provide values for to indicate your configuration preferences.

The parameters and their descriptions are listed in the Table 4, 'silent.xml file Parameters':

Table 4 silent.xml file Parameters



The full path for the Oracle Middleware Home directory of your choice, for example, C:OracleMiddleware.

In a silent install, specifying a value for this parameter in silent.xml is mandatory.


Specify the components and subcomponents to be installed. If this parameter is not mentioned in silent.xml, all components are installed by default.

Guidelines for component selection:

  • If you specify a component to be installed, all its subcomponents are automatically installed. For example, if you specify the value Oracle JDeveloper and ADF for this parameter, both its subcomponents, Oracle JDeveloper Studio and Application Development Framework Runtime are automatically installed.

  • To install multiple components, separate the components with a bar (). To install subcomponents, specify a component/subcomponent combination. For example, to install Application Development Framework Runtime, use the value JDeveloper and ADF/Application Development Framework Runtime.

  • If components you specify have dependencies on other components that have not been specified, those components also get installed.


Possible values:

  • yes/true: The shortcuts are created in All Users folder (default).

  • false/no: The shortcuts are created in the local user's folder.

You must have Administrator privileges to install the shortcuts in the All Users folder.


Specify the location of your Java directory. This parameter need not be specified if you launched Oracle Installer with the desired JDK. The JDK specified in this parameter must be JDK 6.0 Update 21 or later, otherwise it will be ignored.

Note: On Linux, UNIX, and Mac OS X systems, all symlink references in the specified path are resolved to their hard links.

12.1.2 Sample silent.xml file

For example, you may want to specify a silent installation with the following configuration options:

  • Middleware Home Directory: C:OracleMiddleware.

  • Components to Install: Oracle JDeveloper Studio and Application Development Framework Runtime.

  • Java Location: C:jdkjdk1.6.0_21.

  • Shortcuts created in the local user's Start Menu folder.

To achieve this configuration, your silent.xml file should be coded like this:

For more information about silent-mode installation for Oracle WebLogic Server, please see the Oracle Fusion Middleware Installation Guide for Oracle WebLogic Server.

12.2 Using a Screen Reader and Java Access Bridge with Oracle JDeveloper

To make the best use of our accessibility features, Oracle Corporation recommends the following minimum configuration:

  • Windows XP or Windows Vista

  • Java J2SE 1.6.0_21

  • Java Access Bridge 2.0.1

  • JAWS 12.0.522

  • Microsoft Internet Explorer 7.0 or later

  • Mozilla Firefox 3.5 or later

Please refer to the following procedures to set up a screen reader and Java Access Bridge.

  1. Install the screen reader, if it is not already installed.

    Refer to the documentation for your screen reader for more information about installation.

  2. Install Oracle JDeveloper.

    For information about performing a silent installation, see Section 12.1, 'Installing Oracle JDeveloper Studio in Silent Mode'.

  3. Download Java Access Bridge for Windows version 2.0.1. The file you will download is accessbridge-2_0_1.zip. It is available from: http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/tech/index-jsp-136191.html

    Refer to the Java Access Bridge documentation available from this web site for more information about installation and the Java Access Bridge.

  4. Extract (unzip) the contents to a folder, for example, accessbridge_home.

  5. Install Java Access Bridge by running Install.exe from the <accessbridge_home>installer folder.

    The installer first checks the JDK version for compatibility, then the Available Java virtual machines dialog displays.

  6. Click Search Disks. Then select to search only the drive that contains the Oracle JDeveloper build and the JDK version in the program files directory (if it exists).

    The search process can take a long time on a large disk with many instances of JDK or Oracle JDeveloper, or when searching multiple disks. However, unless you complete an exhaustive search of your disk, Access Bridge will not be optimally configured, and will not be correctly installed to all of the Java VMs on your system. After selecting the disk to search, click Search.

  7. Confirm that you want to install the Java Access Bridge into each of the Java virtual machines displayed in the dialog, by clicking Install in All.

  8. Click OK when you see the Installation Completed message.

  9. Confirm that the following files have been installed in the WinntSystem32 directory (or the equivalent Windows XP or Vista directory), or copy them from <accessbridge_home>installerfiles as they must be in the system path in order to work with Oracle JDeveloper:

    Note that the system directory is required in the PATH system variable.

  10. Confirm that the following files have been installed in the MW_HOMEjdkjrelibext directory, or copy them from <accessbridge_home>installerfiles:

  11. Confirm that the file accessibility.properties has been installed in the <jdev_home>jdkjrelib directory, or copy it from installerfiles.

  12. Start your screen reader.

  13. Start Oracle JDeveloper by running the file jdev.exe located in the folder MW_HOMEjdeveloperjdevbin.

The steps above assume you are running Windows and using a Windows-based screen reader. A console window that contains error information (if any) will open first and then the main Oracle JDeveloper window will appear, once Oracle JDeveloper has started. Any messages that appear will not affect the functionality of Oracle JDeveloper.

12.3 Finding Accessibility Information

For the latest configuration information or for information on addressing accessibility and assistive technology issues, see the Oracle Accessibility FAQ at http://www.oracle.com/us/corporate/accessibility/faqs/index.html. Also, see the help topics available by selecting the Oracle JDeveloper Accessibility Information node under Oracle JDeveloper Basics in the online help table of contents.

13 Uninstalling Oracle JDeveloper

To uninstall Oracle JDeveloper Studio, run the uninstaller which is located at:

  • MW_HOMEutilsuninstalluninstall.exe on Windows systems.

  • MW_HOME/utils/uninstall/uninstall on Linux, UNIX and Mac OS X systems.

To run the uninstaller in silent mode, run the file with the -mode=silent attribute, for example:

  • MW_HOMEutilsuninstalluninstall.exe -mode=silent on Windows systems.

  • MW_HOME/utils/uninstall/uninstall -mode=silent on Linux, UNIX, and Mac OS X systems.


The uninstaller removes only those files that were created at the time of installation. Any files that were created or modified after the installation are left as is. A message about the files and folders that have not been removed is displayed at the end of the process. You can delete these files if you wish to.

The uninstaller also does not remove the system directory, which includes the Oracle WebLogic Server domain provided in Oracle JDeveloper, DefaultDomain.

14 Oracle on the Web

Oracle provides a number of resources on the Web. Some sites you may find helpful are listed in Table 5, 'Oracle on the Web':

Table 5 Oracle on the Web


JDeveloper Home Pages

Oracle JDeveloper Discussion Forum

Corporate Site

Oracle Technology Network

Oracle Accessibility Site

15 Documentation Accessibility

For information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle Accessibility Program website at http://www.oracle.com/pls/topic/lookup?ctx=acc&id=docacc.

Access to Oracle Support

Oracle customers have access to electronic support through My Oracle Support. For information, visit http://www.oracle.com/pls/topic/lookup?ctx=acc&id=info or visit http://www.oracle.com/pls/topic/lookup?ctx=acc&id=trs if you are hearing impaired.

Oracle® Fusion Middleware Installation Guide for Oracle JDeveloper 11g Release 1 (


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Oracle JDeveloper and Application Development Framework 11g

Last updated: May 12, 2015

Certification and Support Matrix

This document identifies the various third party and Oracle products that are supported to work with the 11g versions of JDeveloper and Application Development Framework (ADF). Oracle ADF may support or certify with a super set of products than required for Oracle Fusion Middleware and this document serves as a reference for those cases. Also, please see the Oracle Fusion Middleware certification documentation.

The versions of JDeveloper and ADF covered in this document are:

  • Oracle JDeveloper and ADF 11g (, corresponds to Oracle WebLogic 10.3.0
  • Oracle JDeveloper and ADF 11g Release 1 (, corresponds to Oracle Fusion Middleware and Oracle WebLogic 10.3.1
  • Oracle JDeveloper and ADF 11g Release 1 (, corresponds to Oracle Fusion Middleware and Oracle WebLogic 10.3.2
  • Oracle JDeveloper and ADF 11g Release 1 (, corresponds to Oracle Fusion Middleware and Oracle WebLogic 10.3.3
  • Oracle JDeveloper and ADF 11g Release 1 (, corresponds to Oracle Fusion Middleware and Oracle WebLogic 10.3.4
  • Oracle JDeveloper and ADF 11g Release 1 (, corresponds to Oracle Fusion Middleware and Oracle WebLogic 10.3.5
  • Oracle JDeveloper and ADF 11g Release 1 (, corresponds to Oracle Fusion Middleware and Oracle WebLogic 10.3.6
  • Oracle JDeveloper and ADF 11g Release 1 (, corresponds to Oracle Fusion Middleware and Oracle WebLogic 10.3.6
  • Oracle JDeveloper and ADF 11g Release 1 (, corresponds to Oracle Fusion Middleware and Oracle WebLogic 10.3.6

In this document, the term Certified is used to denote a configuration that is tested in house by the Quality Assurance team. The term Supported indicates a configuration that has not been fully tested, but that Oracle believes to be functional. In both cases, customers may log bugs with Oracle Support, and the development team will evaluate them and fix them if feasible.

Important Note:If you are building ADF applications with the intention of deploying to Java Cloud Service - SaaS Extension, JDeveloper is recommended as that version of JDeveloper contains the ADF runtime libraries that are provisioned in Java Cloud Service - SaaS Extension. If you are building ADF applications with the intention of deploying to Java Cloud Service, JDeveloper or JDeveloper is recommended, depending on the version of JCS you have activated.

Operating Systems

The following operating systems are supported for the JDeveloper IDE. Note, the Oracle ADF runtime components are certified as part of Fusion Middleware.

Operating SystemOracle JDK 1.6 (32 and 64 bit)JRockit JDK 1.6 (32 and 64 bit)Oracle JDK 1.7 (32 and 64 bit)6Oracle JDK 1.7 (64 bit)
Windows 7 2, Windows 8.1 8, 2008 Server R23, 2012 Server R2 8CertifiedCertifiedCertified6N/A
RedHat Enterprise Linux 5.0, 6.0 5, 7.0 8CertifiedCertifiedCertified6N/A
Oracle Enterprise Linux 5.0, 6.0 5, 7.0 8CertifiedCertifiedCertified6N/A
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10, 11 3CertifiedCertifiedCertified6N/A
Apple Mac OS X 10.10 8N/AN/AN/ACertified
Other operating systemsSupportedSupportedSupported6Supported


  • 32 bit JDK required for profiling features.
  • 64 bit JDK supported for Windows as of JDeveloper
  • For JDK 6, update 39 or later is recommended; for JDK 7, update 10 or later is recommended


Oracle distinguishes between the database development features of the JDeveloper IDE (SQL Worksheet, online and offline database, database modeling, etc) and the Oracle ADF runtime libraries, notably ADF Business Components, in terms of supported databases. Please also see Oracle TopLink certification information.

DatabaseJDeveloper ADF
Oracle Database Schema Service 14.1+ 8
Oracle Database as a Service 14.1+ 8
Oracle 12c Release 1 8CertifiedCertified
Oracle 11g Release 1, Release 2 2CertifiedCertified
Oracle 10g Release 2CertifiedCertified
Oracle 10g XECertifiedCertified
Oracle TimesTen 7.0 2, 11g 4 CertifiedSupported
Microsoft SQL Server 2005, 2008, 2012 8CertifiedSupported, Certified 2
MySQL 4.1, 5.0CertifiedSupported
MySQL 5.5 6 CertifiedCertified
IBM DB2 8.1, 9.7, 10.5 8CertifiedSupported, Certified 2
Sybase ASE 12.5, 15.5CertifiedSupported
Informix DS 10, 11.5CertifiedNot Supported
Apache Derby 10.5 3 CertifiedSupported
SQLite 3.6 3 CertifiedSupported
Other SQL92 databasesLimited SupportLimited Support

For third party databases, JDeveloper is certified with the vendor-provided JDBC drivers. ADF is certified with the same drivers as the rest of FMW runtime components, namely the WebLogic (Data Direct) JDBC drivers. See also the Oracle Fusion Middleware certification documentation.

Application Servers

Please also see Oracle TopLink certification information. Refer to the Oracle Fusion Middleware certification documentation for more information regarding ADF (or JRF) support for third party application servers.

Application ServerJDeveloperADF
Oracle Java Cloud Service - SaaS Extension14.1+ 6
Oracle Java Cloud Service 14.1+ 8
CertifiedCertified. See note below.
Oracle WebLogic 10g Release 3 (10.3.0)Supported, Certified with onlyCertified with only
Oracle WebLogic 11g Release 1 (10.3.1) 1 Supported, Certified with onlyCertified with only
Oracle WebLogic 11g Release 1 Patch Set 1 (10.3.2) 2 Supported, Certified with onlyCertified with only
Oracle WebLogic 11g Release 1 Patch Set 2 (10.3.3) 3 Supported, Certified with onlyCertified with only
Oracle WebLogic 11g Release 1 Patch Set 3 (10.3.4) 4 Supported, Certified with onlyCertified with only
Oracle WebLogic 11g Release 1 Patch Set 4 (10.3.5) 5 Supported, Certified with,, onlyCertified with,, only
Oracle WebLogic 11g Release 1 Patch Set 5 (10.3.6) 6 Supported, Certified with,, onlyCertified with,, only
IBM WebSphere 7Certified 2 Certified with WebSphere AS or ND 4
Tomcat 6CertifiedNot Supported
JBoss 4, 5 2 CertifiedNot Supported


  • Oracle Java Cloud Service - SaaS Extension is currently configured with ADF run-time. Therefore, it is strongly recommended to use the JDeveloper (Cloud release update) for developing and deploying ADF applications to Java Cloud Service - SaaS Extension. If you are targeting deployment to Oracle Java Cloud Service, it is recommended to use JDeveloper/ADF or JDeveloper/ADF depending on which version of JCS you have activated.


The Oracle ADF Faces rich client components supported with the following browsers.

Supported BrowsersADF Faces
Firefox 31+Certified
Internet Explorer 9*, 10, 11Certified
Microsoft Edge 20Supported
Safari (desktop) 7, 8Certified
Chrome 37+Certified
Safari (iOS) 7, 8Certified
Chrome (Android) 37+Certified


  • Due to frequent browser releases and rapid evolution of browser technology, Oracle has updated the browser support for ADF for this release.
  • IE 11 support added as a post-release certification on IE 11 support requires a patch from Oracle Support (patch #18277370 for
  • For Internet Explorer only Native mode is supported. View Compatibility mode and Enterprise mode must be disabled.
  • For Microsoft Edge only ADF is supported.
  • *IE 9 Support valid in only. IE 9 support is discontinued starting in

Mobile Browsers

The following mobile browsers are certified or supported for use with Oracle ADF Mobile Browser client. Oracle ADF Mobile Browser client uses Apache MyFaces Trinidad components. Please also see Apache MyFaces Trinidad supported platforms information.

BrowserADF Mobile
BlackBerry Browser 4Certified
WebKit-based mobile browsers (iPhone Safari, Android Chrome, Nokia S60)Certified
Access NetFront 3 1 Certified
OpenWave (UP Browser) 7 1 Certified
Opera Mini 8 1 Certified
Pocket Internet Explorer for Windows Mobile 5, 6Certified
Other Basic XHTML mobile browsers 1 Supported

Source Control Systems

Source Control SystemJDeveloper IDE
git, JGit 1.3Certified
Subversion 1.6, SVNKit 1.3Certified
GNU CVS 1.11, CVSNT 2.5Certified
Perforce 2012Certified
IBM ClearCase SCM 7.0Certified
Serena Dimensions 10.1Certified
Microsoft Visual Studio Team System 2013 TFSCertified

Desktop Clients

The following Windows desktop client applications are supported or certified with Oracle ADF Desktop Integration.

Operating SystemADF Runtime (ADF Desktop Integration)
Microsoft Windows 7 2, 8.1 8Certified
Microsoft Office ProductsADF Runtime (ADF Desktop Integration)
Excel 2007, 2010 4, 2013 8 (.xlsx, .xlsm)Certified


  • ADF Desktop Integration requires Internet Explorer installed on the client.

Migration Support Matrix

To > v From11.
10.1.2.xNot SupportedNot SupportedNot SupportedNot SupportedNot SupportedNot SupportedNot SupportedNot SupportedNot Supported
  1. Support or certification added in 11g Release 1 ( Does not apply to 11g versions prior to
  2. Support or certification added in 11g Release 1 ( Does not apply to 11g Release 1 versions prior to
  3. Support or certification added in 11g Release 1 ( Does not apply to 11g Release 1 versions prior to
  4. Support or certification added in 11g Release 1 ( Does not apply to 11g Release 1 versions prior to
  5. Support or certification added in 11g Release 1 ( Does not apply to 11g Release 1 versions prior to
  6. Support or certification added in 11g Release 1 ( Does not apply to 11g Release 1 versions prior to
  7. Support or certification added in 11g Release 1 ( Does not apply to 11g Release 1 versions prior to
  8. Support or certification added in 11g Release 1 ( Does not apply to 11g Release 1 versions prior to